Pet Monitors: Keeping track of your pet’s health

You really know your pet. You know what they like to eat, where they like to walk, and what their favorite toy is. Would you like to know even more about your furry companion? Pet monitors can provide you with real-time information about your pet and collect valuable long-term information about your pet’s health and [...]

The Benefits of Walking Your Dog

Did you make a resolution to exercise this year? Many of us sign up for gym memberships in January. It seems like a tradition to resolve to exercise more in the new year. After the excesses of the holiday season, we’re ready to focus on our health, breaking old habits and creating new, healthy ones. [...]

The Facts about Canine Infectious Respiratory Disease Complex (Kennel Cough)

If you follow the news, you have no doubt heard something about “kennel cough”, a respiratory virus affecting dogs, particularly in the United States. Reported symptoms include coughing, sneezing, nasal or eye discharge, and lethargy, with some cases leading to pneumonia. The amount of media coverage of this sickness can be concerning for pet owners. [...]

Great Holiday Gift Ideas for Your Pets

Don’t leave your pet out of the gift-giving fun this holiday season! Whatever holiday you celebrate, your pet can celebrate, too. Treats are always fun, but there are so many other options, as well. This season is a great time to invest in some products that you and your pet can enjoy year-round. Consider gifts [...]

Creating a comfortable home for your mobility compromised dog

Whether it be arthritis, neurologic disease or a soft tissue strain, many pets will have trouble moving at some point in their life. But because of their inherent stoic natures or evolutionary need to hide problems, they won’t always make it obvious that they’re having trouble in their home environment. If you can create a [...]

Why does my pet eat strange and inappropriate things?

Why does your dog seem to prefer garbage to her dog food? Why does your cat eat bugs when she has treats right there? If you have owned a pet for long, you’ve no doubt experienced the bewildering and sometimes stomach-turning phenomenon of your beloved furry friend gobbling up something utterly disgusting. Whether it is [...]

Can my pet have diabetes?

Diabetes in humans is common – you likely know someone who manages the condition. But did you know that pets can also develop diabetes? As the number of overweight and obese pets rises each year, so too does the incidence of diabetes. It’s something that pet parents need to be aware of. Diabetes in animals [...]

Help your pet have a howling good Halloween!

Trick or treat! Many people look forward to Halloween, anticipating a day and evening filled with masks, candy, and pranks. But this holiday can be particularly spooky for the furry children in your family. Animals can’t comprehend why Dad suddenly resembles Homer Simpson or why there are five Spidermans outside their window. Some pets enjoy [...]

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